Disclaimer: This blog is not recommended for those under the age of 18, under the influence of alcohol, activist in any political party, anyone by the name of George, or anyone that believes sex is a bad thing. This blog post, is not, i repeat, is not work-friendly (especially the video)

We begin in a remote pasar malam where Malaysia's finest DVD vendors show their wares..

Upon hearing his Call, our hormonally imbalanced friend bounds over happily-

After the purchase of the VCD, our friend proceeded to watch it, and we only managed to catch a snippet of this valuable video. NOT WORK-SAFE! Please keep volume low

Disclaimer: MIB will not be held accountable for the actions of viewer that proceeds with the video below

After which the VCD/DVD had been produced and distributed in Johor, a chain of event began to unfold. Beginning with the confession of the actor in the film.....which helped start 2008 with a bang

The picture below, is an event after the statement here

1 day later...